
Abstract Submission Guidelines

• Abstracts must report original work that has not been previously published or presented at other conferences.
• All submitted abstracts will be published in the conference proceedings.
• Full papers will undergo a rigorous peer-review process and may be selected for publication in the conference proceedings.
• Authors of high-quality full papers may be invited to submit their work for full publication in the Journal of Health Science and Medical Research (Scopus indexed, https://www.jhsmr.org/), as appropriate.
We encourage presenters to register for on-site attendance; however, online registration is available as an optional alternative for those who require it.

Abstract categories

Scientific abstracts for oral presentation of research related to the conference following topics are welcome:

  • • Clinical Medicine
  • • Pharmaceutical Science
  • • Biomedical Engineering
  • • Medical and Health Technology
  • • Health Sciences
  • • Biomedical Sciences
  • • Public Health

Abstract format

  • Abstracts must be a maximum of 300 words and follow the structure outlined below:
      1. 1. Title: Brief and clearly indicating the content of the paper. Abbreviations are not permitted.
      2. 2. Authors: List authors' names and their institutional affiliations. Underline the presenter's name.
      3. 3. Background/Introduction: Briefly describe the context and purpose of your research.
      4. 4. Objective: Clearly state the research question or aim of your study.
      5. 5. Material and Methods: Describe the methods used in sufficient detail to allow for evaluation of their appropriateness and novelty. Avoid phrases like "results will be discussed" or "data will be presented."
      6. 6. Results: Present your findings clearly and concisely, supporting your conclusions.
      7. 7. Conclusion: State the main findings and implications of your research.
      8. 8. Keywords: Provide 3-6 keywords relevant to your research.
  • Formatting:
    • • Indent each paragraph with a tab space before starting the text.
    • • Avoid underlining, bolding, or capitalization for emphasis.
    • • Do not include tables, graphs, or figures.

  • • Download the abstract template here: > Abstract template
  • • Important: Abstracts not conforming to these guidelines will be rejected.
    Full paper
  • • Download the full paper template here: > Full paper template
  • • Download the consent form here: > Consent form
  • • Ethics approval of research (EC)
  • • See the JHSMR author instructions here: - here -
  • Instructions for Abstract and Full Paper Submission:

    • Submission: All abstracts and full papers must be submitted electronically through the ThaiJO system. The presenting author will receive an email confirmation upon successful submission.
    • Author Information: Please ensure the presenting author includes the following contact information: first name, last name, department, institution, full street address, city, state/province, country, phone number, and a valid email address
    • Abstract Evaluation: Abstracts will be reviewed by at least two independent experts to assess their suitability for oral presentation.
    • Full Paper Evaluation: Full papers will undergo a rigorous peer-review process by at least two experts to determine their eligibility for oral presentation and potential publication in the conference proceedings or the Journal of Health Science and Medical Research (JHSMR).
    • Acceptance Notification: Presenters will be contacted directly via email with the acceptance decision.

    Download the abstract submission guide here: > Abstract Submission Guide
    IF you have problems with or questions about submission, please contact: 074-451159
    The submission deadline has closed