Preventing Practices of Manipulating Accident Data in the Coal Mining Sector Using Mobile Applications in East Kalimantan, Indonesia
Objective: The practice of manipulating data on work accidents and potential hazards still occurs, especially in the coal mining sector. A mobile application for reporting work accidents and potential hazards is required so that data manipulation practices can be prevented.
Material and Methods: The research design used was exploratory, which aimed to introduce and explore the capabilities of the SIKAP mobile application (Information System for Occupational Accidents, Occupational Diseases and Potential Hazards) to prevent data manipulation practices. Researchers involved thirty coal mine workers, using the SIKAP application, which had been tested on three information systems experts using the black box testing method.
Results: Every worker had the opportunity to report work accidents and potential dangers via the SIKAP application on the worker’s account. Companies can receive and follow up on worker reports via the company account. Regional governments in the field of labor development and inspection can monitor reports through government accounts. The SIKAP application is integrated and synchronized between workers, companies and the government.
Conclusion: The SIKAP application is able to prevent the practice of manipulating work accident reporting data and potential hazards in the coal mining sector.
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