Dietary Fibre Consumption in a Sample of Italian Adults: Relationship Between Dietary Habits and Gender, Ponderal Status and Physical Activity
Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the consumption frequency of foods rich in dietary fibre; in relation to gender, ponderal status and physical activity, in a sample of Italian adults.
Material and Methods: A cross-sectional online survey was conducted; from November 2021 to June 2022, on 300 subjects by a questionnaire on sociodemographic characteristics, lifestyle behaviours and consumption frequency of dietary fibre-rich foods.
Results: The consumption frequency of dietary fibre is higher in females than in males. A higher percentage of obese people never or rarely consumed foods rich in dietary fibre. In regards to the consumption of whole-meal biscuits/whole-meal rusks/whole grains, it was observed that a higher percentage of overweight subjects ate them every day, more so than those who were obese, of normal-underweight and in overweight females; with the difference being significant (52.6% vs 16.7% and 32.6%; p-value=0.0366). The same trend was observed for fruit and vegetable consumption; wherein, 11.1% of overweight participants consumed 5 or more servings per day of fruit and vegetables. In contrast, only 7.9% of normal-underweight and 3.6% of obese behave according to WHO recommendations. In overweight females, this difference was significant (12.8% vs 8.3% and 8.3%; p-value=0.0103). A significant (p-value<0.05) higher consumption of dietary fibre was observed in physically active people than in physical inactive people, while no significant differences existed between those who exercise for at least 150 minutes/week and those who exercise less than 150minutes.
Conclusion: Dietary fibre consumption was moderately associated with gender and weight status and significantly associated with physical activity.
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