The Association Between Level of Education and Source of Information with Community’s Optimal Prevention Measures Against Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever: A Cross-Sectional Study in The Coastal Area of Suli Village, Maluku, Indonesia
Objective: This study aimed to examine the relationship between sociodemographic factors and sources of information about dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF) and the level of DHF prevention measures in the coastal community of Suli Village, Maluku Province, Indonesia.
Material and Methods: The data were derived from a survey conducted in December 2022 involving 217 participants living in the coastal area of Suli Village, Central Maluku District. The dependent variable was the level of DHF prevention measures (i.e., high if the score was 8 to 10 points and low if the score was 7 points or lower). The independent variables included respondents’ age, sex, occupation, education level, household income, and sources of information about DHF. Logistic regression analyses were performed to examine the associations between sociodemographic factors and sources of information about DHF and levels of DHF prevention measures.
Results: Only 31% of the respondents had high DHF prevention measures. The odds of having a high level of DHF prevention measures were lower in respondents with junior/senior high school education (adjusted odds ratio (aOR)=0.23; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.09–0.57; p-value=0.002). The odds were also lower in respondents who received information about DHF from family/friends/neighbours compared to those who received the information from health workers (aOR=0.22; 95% CI: 0.07–0.71; p-value=0.011).
Conclusion: Health workers play an important role as health educators. Future studies should consider using both qualitative and qualitative methods to explore motivations, beliefs, and various contextual factors that influence DHF prevention measures in a community.
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