Immediate Effect of Hamstring Stretching on Q Angle, Flexibility, and Balance in Individuals with Hamstring Tightness
Objective: Hamstring tightness is a common problem that can affect the quadriceps angle, flexibility of knee extension, and balance. The purpose of this study was to investigate the immediate effects of passive static hamstring stretching on the quadriceps angle, knee joint range of motion (ROM), and static and dynamic balance in people with hamstring tightness.
Material and Methods: A total of 52 male participants were randomly divided into two groups: a stretching group and a control group. All participants underwent a physical therapy examination before the experiment (Pre-test), including an Active Knee Extension Test, quadriceps angle (Q angle) measurement, and static balance and dynamic balance assessments. After that, the stretching group received passive static hamstring muscle stretching, while the control group received knowledge about the tightness of the hamstring muscle. After the experiment, all participants underwent a physical therapy examination using the same testing method.
Results: The study found that passive static hamstring muscle stretching increased the knee extension ROM by 5.54±3.78 degrees (p-value<0.01) and decreased the Q angle by -1.85±1.46 degrees (p-value<0.01) compared to the control group. However, there were no significant differences between the groups for the balance outcomes.
Conclusion: This study found that passive static hamstring muscle stretching improved knee extension and decreased the Q angle. These findings can confirm the positive effects of exercise for increasing flexibility among individuals with tight hamstrings and abnormal Q angle.
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