Effect of Proprioceptive Training on Neck Pain Intensity, Joint Position Sense and Functional Performance Among Non-Specific Neck Pain Desk-Job Workers with Kinesiophobia
Objective: The current study aimed to examine the effect of 4 weeks of proprioceptive training on neck pain intensity, neck disability, degree of kinesiophobia, joint position sense, and functional performance among desk-job workers with chronic non specific neck pain (NNP).
Material and Methods: Twenty-four desk-job workers (12 males and 12 females) with a mean (standard deviation) age of 30.86 (9.37) were recruited. Proprioceptive training with laser maze and postural correction techniques were given as interventions to the participants. After the interventions, all the participants underwent assessments to evaluate neck pain intensities, the degree of neck disability scores, and joint position errors (neutral head position).
Results: Significant differences were found pre- and post-four-week intervention in the intensity of neck pain and the neck disability score (p-value<0.05). There was a significant improvement in neck pain intensity, neck disability index and kinesiophobia scores after the four-week treatment (p-value<0.05). Significant results were also seen in cervical joint position error in neutral head position (p-value<0.05).
Conclusion: Proprioception training significantly reduced neck pain, neck disabilities, and degree of depressive symptoms while improving joint position sensitivities and functional performances among desk workers with neck pain. The findings of this study validate our hypothesis that integrating proprioceptive training into the rehabilitation process can greatly enhance the results for patients suffering from neck pain by promoting the development of enhanced control and awareness of their neck muscles, which in turns contributes to a healthy lifestyle.
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