Effectiveness of Innovation Basic Life Support Training Devices to Layperson: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Objectives: The use of a cardiopulmonary resuscitation feedback device and automated external defibrillator trainer is beneficial in basic life support (BLS) training. Nevertheless, Thailand lacks these devices in BLS support training. This study aimed to compare the efficacy of the Chiang Mai BLS training devices with conventional training devices in BLS training for laypeople.
Material and Methods: A randomized controlled trial was conducted to compare the efficacy of the Chiang Mai device group with the conventional device group, by assessing the theory and practical examination scores of the participants; who were adult, laypeople attending the BLS provider course endorsed by the Thai Resuscitation Council. Evaluating instructors were blinded from both groups of participants.
Results: A total of 60 adult, laypeople participants were divided into two groups: 32 and 28 participants of the Chiang Mai device group and conventional device group, respectively. Overall examination scores of included participants were very high. The participants in the Chiang Mai device group had a higher median score of multiple-choice question assessment [9.0/9.0 (8.5-9.0) vs 8.5/9.0 (8.0-9.0) points, p-value=0.134] as well as a higher median score of practical examination [26.0/26.0 (24.3-26.0) vs 25.0/26.0 (24.0-26.0) points, p-value=0.278] when compared to those using conventional BLS training devices. However, there was no statistical significance between both groups.
Conclusion: The effectiveness of the Chiang Mai BLS training device in basic life support training for adult laypeople is comparable to conventional BLS training devices.
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