Adlay Polyelectrolyte Multilayer Films Coated on Titanium: Surface Characteristics and MC3T3-E1 Cell Morphology and Proliferation
Objective: Adlay has been reported to prevent osteoporosis, and promote osteoblast cell proliferation and in vitro calcification. However, it has never been used on modified titanium (Ti) surfaces. Hence, the aim of this study was to ameliorate Ti surfaces, by coating with adlay seed extract via the polyelectrolyte multilayer (PEM) film technique.
Material and Methods: Adlay seed extract solution containing 150, 300, 600, or 1500 μg/ml concentrations was coated on Ti discs using a layer-by-layer technique to fabricate PEM films (Ti_Adlay surface). The surface characterizations; including atomic force microscope analysis, contact angle analysis and energy dispersive X-ray analysis were evaluated. The osteoblast cell proliferation on its modified surface was also examined.
Results: Adlay seed extract could increase surface irregularity, roughness, hydrophilicity and carbon composition of Ti surface in all Ti_Adlay groups. At 24, 48 and 72 hours of incubation, the osteoblast cells morphology was similar in all groups. At 24 hours, the viable cell numbers on all Ti_Adlay groups were statistically lower than the uncoated Ti group, while no significant difference was found after 48 and 72 hours of incubation.
Conclusion: Adlay PEM coating on Ti surface could improve the surface properties of Ti in terms of surface roughness, hydrophilicity and surface chemistry. Even though Ti-Adlay surfaces showed no toxic effect on MC3T3-E1, it was unlikely
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