Recent Advancements in Intracanal Medicaments used in Paediatric Dentistry: A Comprehensive Review
This review aimed to examine the recent literature concerning conventional intracanal medicaments, and summarize important recent developments. Literature research was performed focusing on articles on safe and effective intracanal medicaments in Google Scholar using the MeSH terms “herbal drugs as intracanal medicaments”, “intracanal medicaments for pediatric patients” and “safe intracanal medicaments”. A total of 63 studies were included in this review, following inclusion and exclusion criteria. Our literature search revealed that drugs derived from natural sources have become promising alternatives for intracanal medicaments due to their safety profile and potential therapeutic advantages. Furthermore, herbal remedies are frequently well-tolerated by paediatric patients, reducing the likelihood of adverse events. The advantages of herbal drugs in paediatric dentistry extend beyond their antimicrobial efficacy. They offer a holistic approach by harnessing the healing properties of nature, potentially minimizing the need for synthetic chemicals and antibiotics. Recent advancements in intracanal medicaments for paediatric dentistry encompass a spectrum of options, ranging from conventional to herbal-based formulations. While conventional medicaments continue to play a vital role, herbal drugs offer promising alternatives with potential benefits in efficacy, safety, and patient acceptance.
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