Exploring Alternative Sweeteners: Consumer Perspectives and Product Development for Healthier and Affordable Choices
Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the consumption, consumer experiences, and expectations of alternative sweeteners (AS) among adults. It also developed and assessed a prototype alternative sweetener product (ASP) in terms of acceptability and willingness-to-pay compared to sugar.
Material and Methods: Two studies were conducted. In Study I, a cross-sectional survey assessed consumer experiences and expectations of AS. In Study II, a prototype ASP was developed using erythritol, stevia and sucralose via a geometric dilution method. The ASP was then compared to sugar in snacks and beverages through a single-blinded experiment.
Results: The survey revealed that 63.6% disliked the taste of AS, expecting a sugar-like taste and affordable price. The single-blinded experiment showed no significant differences in overall liking between the ASP and sugar. The cost of the ASP prototype was 88% cheaper than the average marketed AS available in physical markets.
Conclusion: These findings indicate consumer readiness to accept AS, although current market products do not fully meet consumer expectations. The ASP prototype, being more affordable and acceptable, has the potential to reduce barriers related to the affordability and acceptability of AS. The simplicity of the technique used to prepare the ASP prototype also facilitates the transfer of this technology to consumers for home use.
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