P-cadherin and CD10 Expression to Distinguish between Ductal Carcinoma in Situ and Invasive Ductal Carcinoma of the Breast
Material and Methods: DCIS (n=48), equivocal (n=18), and IDC grade 1 (n=17) cases were evaluated by using immunohisto chemical staining, with P-cadherin and CD10 for identifying the myoepithelial cells.
Results: P-cadherin is positive in myoepithelial cells in almost all cases of DCIS (79.0%), and equivocal groups (61.0%). CD10 also shows a positive result in most cases of DCIS (98.0%) along with equivocal groups (72.0%). Both, P-cadherin and CD10 are negative in all cases of IDC grade 1. P-cadherin shows a high percentage of positivity in luminal cell in DCIS (83.0%), equivocal group (100.0%) and IDC grade 1 (88.0%). CD10 shows a low positive in the luminal cell of most cases of DCIS (13.0%), equivocal group (6.0%) and IDC grade 1 (0.0%). CD10 is positive in myofibroblastic cells in approximately 30.0% of all cases, but P-cadherin shows all negative staining.
Conclusion: P-cadherin and CD10 show high sensitivity for detecting the myoepithelial cells, but P-cadherin has a lower specificity, due to it having more luminal cells expression. Therefore, P-cadherin may be helpful for diagnosis in some cases that have a high expression of CD10 in myofibroblastic cells.
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