Self-Care and Family Support among People with Type 2 Diabetes
Results: We recruited 411 patients (56.9% females), aged between 25 and 92. From these, we found high levels of adherence to daily intakes of the oral hypoglycemic agent (98.2%) and insulin (100.0%), daily physical activity (86.4%) and daily vegetable consumption (78.3%). Respondents commonly reported that they, and their family members ate meals together (98.1%). Family members also suggested things to help them take their medications on time (89.5%) and additionally helped them to decide on changes based on their glucose test results (84.2%). Exploratory factor analysis uncovered three behavior dimensions: nagging and arguing (“authoritarian”), praise and encouragement (“supportive”) and plan-making (“planning”).
Conclusion: We presented data on self-care as well as family support among people with type 2 diabetes, tailored to the local context. From the data a high level of medication adherence and daily physical activity was observed. “Eating together” was the most reported family support behavior. We identified three dimensions of family support behaviors, which are potentially helpful for future health promotion programs, and provides a methodological basis for future studies in other low and middle-income countries.
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