Prevalence and Associated Factors of Caries and Periodontal Diseases among Adolescents in Kunming: A Cross-sectional Study
Objective: To investigate the prevalence of dental caries, and periodontal diseases among adolescents in urban high schools of Kunming and associated factors.
Material and Methods: This cross-sectional survey enrolled 560 adolescents (17.3±0.5 years old), with an equal gender ratio. Self-administered questionnaires obtained the sociodemographic and behavioral variables. All subjects were examined for their clinical parameters; including, Decayed, Missing, and Filled Teeth (DMFT), the Simplified Oral Hygiene Index (OHI-S), bleeding on probing (BOP), probing depth (PD) and clinical attachment level (CAL) by two dentists. The correlations of explanatory variables with dental caries and periodontal disease outcomes were investigated using bivariate analysis; via chi-square and t-test. Multivariate regression analysis; including linear regression and logistic regression models, were investigated for related factors of dental caries and periodontal diseases.
Results: The prevalence of caries was 72.5%, with a mean DMFT of 3.70±3.65. The DMFT of females was higher than males (p-value<0.001); approximately 12.3% were periodontal healthy. The prevalence of gingivitis and periodontitis was 80.4% and 7.3%, respectively; with no statistical difference between genders (p-value=0.221). Multivariate regression analysis showed that the prevalence of dental caries and periodontal diseases were associated with females and fair/ poor oral hygiene. Additionally, high sugar consumption was a significant risk predictor for dental caries (p-value=0.008).
Conclusion: The high prevalence of dental caries and periodontal disease in Kunming urban high school adolescents were associated with females and oral hygiene. Therefore, it is necessary for them to pay more attention to their oral health, and to focus on improving the efficiency of oral hygiene behavior.
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