Effectiveness of a Case-based Educational Intervention Focusing on Blood and Body Fluid Exposure Prevention among Nursing Students
Objective: There is a relative lack of research regarding case-based educational interventions to improve blood and body fluid exposure prevention practice among nursing students. Hence, this study aimed to investigate the effect of case-based educational intervention on knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors regarding blood and body fluid exposure prevention among nursing students, at some universities in Vietnam.
Material and Methods: This study employed a randomized control trial design. Simple random sampling was used to recruit the target population, to obtain 87 nursing students. Students’ knowledge, attitude and self-reported behavior scale on exposure prevention were used to collect data at three time-points. The 4-week case-based educational intervention was provided to the intervention group (42 students); whereas, the control group received only regular training.
Results: The findings revealed that there were significant, positive differences in students’ knowledge, and attitude toward blood and body fluid exposure prevention in the intervention groups than in the control group after receiving the intervention, which remained over time.
Conclusion: Higher educational institutions should provide case-based educational intervention to nursing students, so as to enhance their blood and body fluid exposure prevention practices.
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